Venice Beach (Santa Monica) Webcam


Venice Beach

Home of a variety of Hollywood celebrities past and present such as Alec Baldwin, Kate Beckinsale, and Charlie Chaplin... Venice beach is a major attraction for tourist from around the world. Receiving approximately 150,000 visitors a day, this amazingly beautiful beach is a star withing itself. Venice beach has also been the shooting location of many famous movie and television shows since the silent film era such as "Our Gang", "The Doors", and "Gilmore Girls". Be sure to watch this live video stream as you may see a celebrity frequenting the busy board walk on any given day.

The camera is sitting high above the busy shop area where the board walk is lined with a variety of street vendors. This is a unique stream allowing viewers to chose the direction of the view, so you never know what you will see next. It is also available day and night with no interruptions.

