Pacific Park (Santa Monica) Webcam


Pacific Park

Category:  Cities

Displayed in various famous movies such as "Lost Boys", "Iron Man", "Titanic", and much more... this iconic little amusement park right on the ocean pier has been around since 1909, however, Santa Monica Piers amusement attraction did not actually start on its pier. It originally started on another pier built by Charles Looff which he named Pleasure Pier and later it became Newcomb Pier. During the 1920's the pier attracted many people but then interest was lost and the pier was all but abandoned. It was not until sometime in the 1980's when restoration began and attraction was regained.

Today, the Santa Monica pier Pacific Park is displayed in over 500 movies, television shows, and video games. It receives thousands of visitors from around the world each year and is a major US icon. There are three cameras that cover the area. Each camera randomly moves about the park showing various parts of the pier, beach, and surrounding city. Before taking a trip to the park, be sure to check these cameras for traffic and weather conditions to make your visit more enjoyable.

