Flagstaff Train Station Webcam


Flagstaff Train Station

Category:  Trains
Source:  youtube.com

Called one of the “Great American Stations”, the Flagstaff Train Station in Arizona, USA is located between the campus of Northern Arizona University and downtown Flagstaff’s lively culture of shops and restaurants. This Amtrak station serves the Southwest Chief line, which runs from Chicago all the way Los Angeles. Built in 1926, the historic train station also serves as the city’s visitor center.

Available day or night, this high definition feed is provided by Virtual Railfan and allows you to see and hear the passing freight trains and the Southwest Chief as it allows passengers to embark and disembark. Rewind the feed up to twelve hours to witness all manner of activity happening on the tracks and around the train station. The feed also allows you to switch between eastern and western views of the tracks, so you won’t miss a thing!

