Prague Tram Webcam

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Prague Tram

Category:  Traffic

Built in 1965, the Tram T3 series was originally designed as a passenger tram for the city of Prague. In 1989 the tram was outfitted with an "arm" and converted into a cargo tram for speedy transportation of cargo throughout the city, but the lack of use caused for it to be converted again in 2003 as a snow plow for the city. In 2014, the tram gained a new function for the city as a lubricating tram traveling throughout the city spraying lubricant on the rails to provide a smoother ride for passengers on other trams.

In use 24 hours a day, the tram was outfitted with a state of the art camera in the back of the tram to provide a live stream of the city streets of Prague to the world. Watch live as the tram travels endlessly through the streets showing streams of the current traffic, weather, and events that occur in this 1000 year old city.

