Imam Reza Holy Shrine (Mashhad) Webcam

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Imam Reza Holy Shrine

Category:  Other

The Imam Reza Holy Shrine consist of 7 courtyards (Sahn); Inqilab, Azadi, Imam Khomeini, Goharshad Mosque, Quds, Jumhuri Islami, Jameh Razavi, and Gadeer. Established in approximately 818 originally as a mausoleum for the 12th Shiite Imam Reza, it is the largest Islamic shrine in the world to date, covering an area of 3,569,080 square feet and is able to hold a capacity of up to 500,000 worshipers at a time.

Pilgrims from around the world travel to this holy place to pay homage to Abbas Mirza, Fath-Ali Shah's vicegerent in his final resting place in the Dar-al Hoffaz before being allowed entrance into the Holy Shrine. Once a year a ceremony is performed where thousands of people enter the Dar-al Hoffaz to clean it of dust and debris that has built up over the year on the shrine.

