Santa Claus Office (Rovaniemi) Webcam


Santa Claus Office

Category:  Sights

Santa Claus may be a fictitious character but his presence in the lives of the kids cannot be ruled out in any possible way. Specially, during the Christmas times, kids eagerly wait for the gifts that they think Santa will give them. Won’t it be amazing if the kids get to meet the Santa in real life? Well, thanks to the Santa Claus office set in Rovaniemi, Finland, this dream can be a reality. Santa is available here every day to meet thousands of his fans.

This camera present in this page shows you a live feed of the whereabouts of Santa inside the office and you can see how he is greeted by everyone, despite of not being present physically at that place. Santa may be part of a fairy tale, but, thanks to this office, dream comes close to reality.

