Sumburgh Head Lighthouse (Shetland) Webcam

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Sumburgh Head Lighthouse

Category:  Water

The Sumburgh Head Lighthouse is a major tourist attraction on the Shetland Islands of Scotland. 1000's of tourist from around the world visit the lighthouse seasonally. See their website at the link below for opening hours and ticket purchase information. It is also the home of the United Kingdoms Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, or RSPB, and is surrounded by a beautiful bird reserve housing various breeds of seabirds to view.

This camera is sitting on top of the lighthouse giving you a broad view of the entire area around. It zooms around the area giving you various images of the waterfront below as well as the Island surrounding it. You can observe different species of birds through this webcam also, along with possible sightings of the local whale pods as they migrate. It is best viewed during daylight hours, but the camera does have a tendency to go out of focus as it moves around.

